


The giraffe is short, the deer is shorter than the giraffe, and the cat is the shortest of allThe elephant is small, the sheep is smaller than the elephant, and the fish is the smallest of all。

打一动物名 蛇 背板过海,满腹文章从无偷窃行为,为何贼名远扬?打一动物名 乌贼 日飞落树上,夜晚到庙堂不要看我小,有心肺肝肠打一动物名 麻雀 说马不像马,路上没有它若用它做药,要到海中抓打一动物名。

1 ice sculpture series classical life, wealth, perfect, Sun flower, the taste of life, of Cherbourg, corn poppy, home and everything, money tree, he#39s a woman she#39s a man, fantasy space, plum。

海豚Dolphinis my favourite animal It is one of the most precious animals Their bodies are very long, about one zhang丈 Dolphins live in the sea They live on fish, shrimps and so onDolphins are。


这个不是梅花鹿,是驯鹿CANADA是英文加拿大的意思elizabeth II 英文伊丽莎白二世 的意思dg 拉丁文蒙神之恩 regina 拉丁文女王 加拿大曾为英国殖民地,现为英联邦成员国,形式上同大不列颠及北爱尔兰共和国一。

We have rested for seven days , which is so long for us After all , the life in high school is very bury In these days , we went to zoo The last time we being here was ten years ago。


