

security threat 如 It#39s a different kind of security threat because there is no enemy to point your guns atquotquotquot这是一种完全不同的安全隐患,因为我们不知道该把枪炮瞄准谁quot翻译成 potential safety hazard 也是;lack of sense of security好怪, 谁重复的用of?lacking sense of security 或就一个词 insecure。


安全的英语单词是safety 拓展安全就是人们的生命财产不受威胁的状态在日常生活中,安全是我们最基本的需要之一,关系到每个人的身心健康和幸福感为了保障安全,我们需要采取一定的预防和应对措施,如掌握安全知识和技能;15走过春夏秋冬,安全永驻心中Through spring, summer, autumn and winter, security will always be in mind16没有廉耻的王国,是不安全的王国A kingdom without shame is a kingdom without security17安全。

问题二用英语来说的防溺水安全资料 一预防溺水的措施 A drowning prevention measures 1应在成人带领下游泳,学会游泳 1, should be led by *** swim, swim 2不要独自在河边山塘边玩耍 2, don#39t play。


At school, students often litter because they dont think that it is necessary to throw their rubbish into the bins This causes pollution to the environment The best way to solve this problem is to teach。


Push the unsafe, let us go slowly。

