

如下The old and the young are two indispensable parts of society We should treat them well老年人和年轻人是社会中不可缺少的两部分,我们应该善待他们On the one hand, the elderly should be respected by;3, Chen no grandmother, no even today grandmother, no minister, no to the final years Two greatgrandfather, but also phase of life Li Mi4, who made grassinch heart, reportedly had three Chunhui。


1、尊老爱幼, 尊重老师, 举止优雅礼貌英语Respect the elderly and care of the young Respect teachers Behave elegantly and politely。

2、To respect the old and to love the young is our responsibilityWe should respect the old and to love the young ~~~~~~~~祝你进步,如对你有帮助,请及时采纳~~~。

3、The passengers, care for the young is the traditional virtue of Chinese nation, please carry on mutual love spirit, take the initiative to seat passengers inside need help希望能帮助你。

4、if you help others you will be happytoday,there will be less people know help oldman or children when we are vevry young,teacher told us that we must learn to help ohers,then you would be happy。


In China, respect the old and cherish the little ones is a tradition Early in Han Dynasty, the government had issued laws regarding to that tradition for multiple times, and it also promoted and awarded。

respect the old and cherish the young 麻烦采纳,谢谢。


