无微不至的英语(无微不至的关照 英语)


1、无微不至的英语翻译是meticulously,meticulously例句如下1病人受到护士无微不至的照料The patient received painstaking care from his nurse2她对孩子们的关怀无微不至She takes the greatest possible care of th。

2、considerate adj体贴的, 体谅的, 考虑周到的为他人着想的 considerately adv体贴地,体谅地 参考资料原创回答团第159号团员。

3、这些军官至死都忠于波兰,坚守了军人气节3描写人物品质的英语单词 honest kindmeandilligentclumsy1honest英#712#594n#618st美#712ɑn#618st adj 诚实的 老实的 坦诚的。

4、Mother always takes good care of me, accompanying me all the way Inspite of her not staying with me now Though she is not doesn#39t stay with me, her love for menever lessens at all with。

5、I do not wish, but I can find your mood changes in the first place。

6、9体贴他人 在西方,向别人提供帮助关心同情等的方式和程度是根据接受方愿意接受的程度来定的而中国人帮起忙来一般是热情洋溢,无微不至例如一位中国留学生在美国看到一位老教授蹒跚过车水马龙的马路,出于同情心,他飞步上前。

7、What touch me the most is the movpainstaking care came from my mother,man and boy。

8、Thank you for teaching us everything, and thanks for caring about us。

9、时光荏苒,岁月如梭, 在实习期间,您对我们处处关怀,无微不至您统筹兼顾,运筹帷幄,使我们实习顺利您用汗水浇灌了贵校的辉煌,您用智慧设计了贵校的未来班主任对我们也是无话不说,倾注了满腔的热情情真意切传。

10、When I was young , you took good care of me 祝学习进步,天天快乐满意请采纳有问题追问谢谢。

11、报纸曾载,一个丈夫守候由于工伤而最终变成植物人的妻子十多年,不离不弃,无微不至It was once reported that a man stayed by his wife who had become vegetable person due to work injury for more than ten。


13、My sister and I get along very well,and she always takes full care of meI am grateful to her。

无微不至的英语(无微不至的关照 英语)


