

可以吗 No door into the market, which saw the crowded, noisy voices Market share vegetables area, fish eggs areas and commodities areas We went into the vegetable market with the crowd I saw the inside。

I went to the Great Wall with my friends last summer It was a beautiful day The sun was shining, the birds were singing We walked on the wall for about two hours We took lots of photos Then。

who 是谁 后边that可以去掉 用来引导一个从句 impress you most 最使你印象深刻当然不只这一种翻译方法,好多who hadhave impressed you most? 最简单不懂问我 希望你我英语共同进步。

一般是给予深刻印象即sthsomebody impress somebody若非要表达对印象深刻就改成被动,即somebody isare impressed withby sthsomebody。

I was deeply impressed 另外“给我留下深刻印象”的英语 这个短语是 sth leave a deep impression on me注意sth 不同,leave 会有时态和形态变化 造句1I didn#39t seen many of these symbols of Chongqing。

这句话没有主语所以我就这样翻译了~~~the talents showed in literacy created happiness, anger, sadness and joyful scenes they were so impressive and unforgettable加上主语的话happiness, anger, sadness and joyfu。

impressive的意思是感人的令人钦佩的给人以深刻印象的impressive,英语单词,主要用作为形容词,用作形容词译为“感人的令人钦佩的给人以深刻印象的”例句1 It is an impressive achievement这是一项令人。


