

Quanzhou is a famous hometown of Taiwan compatriots in han and the main origin The overseas Chinese, Chinese have 620 million people living in Hong Kong, Macao compatriots, there are more than 80 mil;My hometown in xunpu There is particularly beautiful In the middle of the village there is a small riverbefore Middle Creek has a pond with lotus in full bloom, there are many fishenjoy swimming in。

The west lake park in the culture of the ancient city of anybody, it is in quanzhou, fujian province, the largest artificial lake in the four islands, three bridge, three causeway, three;deep stretch again泉州号称东亚文化之都海上丝绸之路起点海滨邹鲁光明之城“地下看西安,地上看泉州”,行走在城市中间,千古遗风依然会在不经意间多次闪现,既古朴清雅又精致婉约,既内敛深沉又舒展奔放。

Here the four seasons lush flowers and trees, picturesque scenery闻名遐迩的旧“泉州八景”清源翠岫紫帽烟霞笋江月色洛阳潮声紫云双塔崇福晚钟玉球风动东湖荷香,各具神韵风姿,极富诗情画意Be well。


用英语介绍泉州泉州英语介绍Quanzhou, a prefecturelevel city in the southeastern coast of Fujian Province, is called Quanzhou and Cyprinus carpio for short Its nickname is Cyprinus carpio City and Ertong City。


1、This summer vocation,I took a trip to Quanzhou,and really had a good time thereI went to many places of historic interest and scenic beauty in QuanzhouThe most impressive was the memorial hall of ZhengCh。


2、My hometown in Quanzhou, where the pleasant climate, is a tourist destinationQuanzhou is known as the cultural capital of East Asia, maritime Silk Road starting point, Seashore, the City of Light quotLook Xi。

3、Quanzhou textile industry, already formed construction, building materials, food beverage manufacturing processes, machinery manufacturing, and five traditional industries, and are trying to cultivate petrochemical industry。

4、泉州是古代“东方第一大港”“海上丝绸之路”的起点,特产有德化瓷器惠安石雕木偶头老范志万应神曲料丝花灯清源茶饼安溪乌龙茶永春老醋永春纸织画Quanzhou is the State Council released the first。

