



2、尺寸 SPF spare parts financing 零部件融资 问题二规格 用英语怎么说啊 stan场ard demension measurement size 根据不同类型的产品 任选其一 问题三规格的英文怎么翻译 spec,这个最常用,mail里面写这个给外商是最。

3、Name of Commoditybrand 品名 quality guarantee period 保质期 Net weightNet Content净含量Net Wt 净重 简写品名PN 保质期EXP 净重NW #9758希望我的回答对你有所帮助,如果还有疑问,可以在。

4、1 I Believe I Can Fly is a nice song by RKelly This song tells us that confidence is very important When a person has confidence,he believes in himself He believes that he can and will succeed,an。

5、当读`kntent时n,意为quot内容,pl目录容量,含量quot当读kn`tent时a,意为quot满足的,甘愿的quotShow me the content of your suitcase把你的手提箱里的东西给我看一看Are you content with。

6、n 百分比,百分率部分百分数 adj 百分之的 adv 以百分之地 3短语percent reduction 压缩率 压下量 百分低减 百分比减少 percent test 选择试验 挑选试验 抽查 percent fines 细粒含量百分率。

7、Proportionate subclass numbers,成比例次级组含量Prospective study,前瞻性调查Proximities,亲近性Pseudo F test,近似F检验Pseudo model,近似模型Pseudosigma,伪标准差Purposive sampling,有目的抽样QR decomposition,QR分解Quadratic approximation。

8、You#39d better not often eat food that contains too much sugar, oil and fat希望采纳。

标签: 含量英语

