

1、same time不要一边开车一边通电话Don#39t leave valuables in your car,especially in places where they can be seen不要把贵重物品留在车上,尤其不要把它们放在显眼的位置Don#39t run the red light不要闯红灯;Recently we held a class meeting to discuss the problem of pedestrians crossing the street while the traffic light is red As we could see, some pedestrians don’t obey traffic rules, and jaywalk frequently;总之,产生负面影响,乱穿马路不利于培养良好的社会行为看到这一切在我们的社会中是真的很可惜,要处理这种情况,政府已经采取了一些措施被抓时乱穿马路,行人的斥责,这样他们会意识到这样做的危险,或是当场罚款有;To comply with traffic rules, not to run the red light Eat safe food, dont eat junk food Exercise, don#39t hurt yourself, don#39t attempt to swim in the river。


2、1 关于交通安全的英文句子 1不能无证驾驶,应懂的交通安全规则 A driver should know the traffic rules and he is not allowed to drive without driving license 2遵守交通规则,不该闯红灯One should ob;Time to go home, please go home right now! On the way home please don#39t play, cross the road please observe the traffic regulations, not running the red light!应该还标准吧。

3、正确理解汉语原文是汉译英的基本要求这句话看似是一个长句,其实用英语表达是两句话一句话是“在校外,我们要遵守交通规则”,另一句则是“过马路走斑马线,不闯红灯”,两句话的关系可以说是总分关系,英语最好加上;闯红灯的英语是Running a red light闯红灯是指机动车非机动车行人等违反交通信号灯指示在红灯亮起禁止通行时越过停止线并继续行驶的行为“闯红灯”的引申义多用于形容超越现有规则办事或其他一些违反法律或道德规范。

